Saturday, November 3, 2007

CD Mastering is necessary

CD mastering is an important step to secure the great works for a longer period of time. It is the audio post production activity and comprises of process of preparing and transferring of recorded audio from the first source to the final source or the data storage device. Nowadays, digital masters are being used to create a master copy of the CD.

It is an important step to record the great works. Normally, equalization, compression, limiting, noise reduction and other processes are used to process the source material. The process of converting a CD master is also known as assembling or track sequencing. The process of creating CD mastering is generally include various method editing, pre-gapping, leveling, fading in and out, noise reduction and other signal restoration to give the best results.

Visit us to know more about CD Duplication, CD Replication, CD Packaging, and CD Mastering


S.Jenkins53 said...
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